Valle Varaita

Valle Varaita

Valle Varaita

Following the Varaita river, the valley reach the plain towards Verzuolo and Costigliole di Saluzzo. Many mountain streams rise in the borderland and in the slopes of  the Viso group. These streams originate the Varaita di Bellino and Varaita di Chianale torrents which flow into their riverbed in Casteldelfino. Many streams flow into the Varaita river; some of them are quite long, such as torrents flowing through the Gilba and Isasca valleys on the left orographical side and those through the Valmala and Lemma valleys on the right orographical side.

Varaita valley includes the municipalities  of Bellino, Brossasco, Casteldelfino, Costigliole, SaluzzoFrassino, Isasca, Melle, Piasco, Pontechianale, Rossana, Sampeyre,Valmala,Venasca and Verzuolo.



Bassa Langa

Scopri gli alberi monumentali dell’Alta Langa!


Alta Langa (seconda parte)

Scoprite gli alberi monumentali dell’Alta Langa!

“Langhe” by Francesca Cappa is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Breathtaking landscapes

This route crosses the production area of Dolcetto and Barolo and enables the visitor to find out quaint little country towns where charming quiet sceneries are a backdrop to art.


Associazione Turismo in Langa
P. Iva 02987630049 - CF 91009030049

Sviluppo & design Paolo Racca