Team wine – A year like a wine producer

Tecnica, tradizione e creatività sono gli ingredienti del mestiere del vignaiolo: ne scoprirete tutti i segreti in un’unica, intensa giornata.

Team game – Treasure Hunt in the Langhe of Barolo®

The “treasure hunt” formula, adapted to companies, to stimulate group dynamics and stimulate the achievement of a common goal. All among unique landscapes in the world.

City Orienteering

Competition and creativity: an orienteering itinerary between unknown ways to deal with cooperative spirit trusting shared skills. But, obviously, also a funny moment.

Team game – Treasure Hunt in the Langhe of Barolo®

The “treasure hunt” formula, adapted to companies, to stimulate group dynamics and stimulate the achievement of a common goal. All among unique landscapes in the world.

Team escape – Castle Angels

A new format of visit, inspired to the famous “escape room”. A team building to discover, playing, the castles of Langhe and Roero.

Team mindfulness – Qui ed Ora

Technique, tradition and creativity are the ingredients for the wine producer job: you will discover all the secrets in an unique and intense day.

Team theatre – In the shoes of the count

In the middleage, between the game and the theatrical session, a team building that tests the ability to take the best strategies dealing with situations and unexpected events.

Team cooking – the Langhe flavour

The chef job takes competence, precision, group spirit and roles ’s respect: like a daily activity in a farm.

Associazione Turismo in Langa
P. Iva 02987630049 - CF 91009030049

Sviluppo & design Paolo Racca